Saturday, February 21, 2009

If only one person climbs a previously unclimbed mountain...

If only one person climbs a previously unclimed mountin, others are guarenteed to follow. But often, no one wants to be that first person. 
If only J. K. Rowling hadn't believed in her work she would have never sent it to a publisher and no one ever would have experienced the phenomenon that was, and still is, Harry Potter. 
If only Thomas Edison had never thought to invent a lightbulb people would still be walking around with candles. 
If only the Brothers Grimm had never published their fairytales we would never have heard of Cinderella or Snow White or even Hansel and Gretel. 
If only Walt Disney had never been born we would never have seen our favourite stories dance across movie screens. 
If only Louis Braille had never come up with the braille systym blind people would have found it nearly impossibe survive in the modern world. 
If only you were to try maybe you could change the world too.
If only...

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